Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Twins

They never did look much like each other, Estha and Rahel, and even when they were thin-armed children, flat-chasted, wormridden and Elvis Presley-puffed, there was none of the usual "Who is who?" and "Which is which?" from oversmiling relatives or the Syrian Orthodox bishops who frequently visited the Ayemenem House for donations.

The confusion lay in a deeper, more secret place.

In those early amorphous years when memory had only just begun, when life was full of Beginnings and no Ends, and Everything was Forever, Esthappen and Rahel thought of themselves together as Me, and separately, individually, as We or Us. As though they were a rare breed of Siamese twins, physically separate, but with joint identities.

Now, these years later, Rahel has a memory of waking up one night giggling at Estha's funny dream.

She has other memories too that she has no right to have.

-Arundhati Roy (The God of Small Things)


VIDYA said...

"The confusion lay in a deeper, more secret place".

yes defnitely did

nice blog........keep up te gud work ...

Sarah said...

Techno: Sorry, I forgot to reply to your question in my blog..
No I don't work in Canada, mainly because My MBBS is not recognized.. The other problem is, I have no one to take care of my children( youngest is only 4 and yet to start schooling).. I don't want a stranger to look after my kids!
So I do writing assignments online, also have a small catering job where clients order food for a week and pick it up from my home..

Geets said...

Vidya: Thank you for visiting my blog.

Sarah: You are a wonderful mom. Do you know, Sarah, though you are far away in Vancouver, I can feel the warmth of your personality. Its nice to know people like you.